Cheltenham (Young) Catholic Adults is a Catholic group aimed at those aged 18 to 35. It was formed in Cheltenham as a Prayer Group in October 2001 and has rapidly evolved. It was formerly named Works of Faith. It is aimed at the area of Cheltenham and Gloucester.
Our programme is about obtaining a balance between catechesis and socialising.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays' of the month:-
2nd Tuesday - catechesis
4th Tuesday - socialising such as bowling, walks, meals and barbecues.
Our programme is about obtaining a balance between catechesis and socialising.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays' of the month:-
2nd Tuesday - catechesis
4th Tuesday - socialising such as bowling, walks, meals and barbecues.
Further Info - DVD Course
On the catechetical night, Cheltenham Catholic Adults are currently running a DVD course about the Theology of the Body
Everyone is warmly welcome.
Please text 07908 105787 to be added onto the latest news list - people on this list will get a text message with updates on the latest activities of the group.
Quick links:-
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